Dachshund Blog

Miniature Dachshund Lifespan: How Long Do Mini Dachshunds Live?

miniature dachshund lifespan

Miniature Dachshunds are beloved for their small size, playful personality, and unique appearance. For those considering bringing a Mini Dachshund into their home or those who already have one, understanding their lifespan is crucial. Knowing the miniature dachshund lifespan can help you provide the best care and ensure your furry friend lives a long, happy life. In this blog post, we will delve into the lifespan of a miniature dachshund dog, factors affecting their longevity, common health issues, and tips for prolonging their life.

miniature dachshund lifespan

What is the Average Lifespan of a Miniature Dachshund?

One of the most common questions among Dachshund owners is, “what is the average lifespan of a miniature dachshund?” Generally, the average lifespan of a miniature dachshund ranges between 12 to 16 years. This range can vary based on genetics, diet, lifestyle, and healthcare. Some Mini Dachshunds even live beyond 16 years with proper care and a bit of luck.

Factors Affecting Miniature Dachshund Lifespan

Several factors can influence the lifespan of a miniature dachshund dog. Understanding these can help you manage your pet’s health and well-being more effectively.


Genetics play a significant role in the lifespan miniature dachshund. Dogs from a lineage of healthy, long-lived Dachshunds are more likely to enjoy a longer life. When choosing a puppy, it’s beneficial to know the health history of its parents and grandparents.

Diet and Nutrition

A balanced diet is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and providing necessary nutrients. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which is a common issue in Dachshunds and can reduce their lifespan. Ensure your Mini Dachshund’s diet includes high-quality protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.


Regular exercise helps keep your Dachshund fit and prevents obesity. However, due to their long spine and short legs, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities that could lead to back injuries. Gentle walks and supervised playtime are ideal.


Routine veterinary check-ups are essential to detect and treat health issues early. Vaccinations, dental care, and parasite control also contribute to a longer, healthier life for your Mini Dachshund.

What are Possible Health Issues in Miniature Dachshunds?

Understanding potential health issues can help you take proactive steps to prevent or manage them. Here are some common health problems in Mini Dachshunds:

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)

IVDD is a common spinal issue in Dachshunds due to their elongated spine. This condition can cause severe pain and mobility issues. Maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding high-impact activities can reduce the risk.


Obesity is a prevalent issue in Mini Dachshunds and can lead to various health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and joint issues. A balanced diet and regular exercise are key to preventing obesity.

miniature dachshund lifespan

Dental Problems

Dachshunds are particularly prone to dental problems due to their small mouths and closely spaced teeth, which can lead to plaque and tartar buildup. This can result in gum disease, tooth decay, and even tooth loss if not addressed properly. To help prevent these issues, it’s important to incorporate dental care into your Dachshund’s routine.

Including chew toys for Dachshunds and dental treats designed to reduce plaque can be very effective. Chew toys help to mechanically remove plaque from their teeth while keeping them entertained. Dental treats often contain ingredients that promote oral health and freshen breath. Regular use of these products, along with routine dental check-ups and brushing your dog’s teeth, can significantly reduce the risk of dental problems and keep your Dachshund’s mouth healthy.

READ ALSO: 10 Best Dachshund Toys To Keep Them Entertained & Happy

Eye Conditions

Miniature Dachshunds can be susceptible to eye conditions such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Regular eye check-ups can help detect these issues early.

Skin Problems

Allergies and skin infections are also common in Mini Dachshunds. Keeping their skin clean and providing a healthy diet can help manage skin issues. If you noticed that your Doxie became itchy, or licks his paws, then we recommend you to check with your vet whether your pet became allergic to some food ingredients. 

Many dog owners are not aware of the fact that dry kibble food is often rich in artificial ingredients, additives, artificial flavors, and by-products. Since all of them could be potential triggers of allergies in your Wiener dog, the first thing you need to do is to put your dog on an elimination diet.

How to Prolong Miniature Dachshund Lifespan?

Extending your Mini Dachshund’s lifespan involves a combination of good genetics, proper care, and a healthy lifestyle. Here are some tips to help your Mini Dachshund live a long, happy life:

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Routine vet visits are crucial for early detection and treatment of health issues. Regular vaccinations, dental check-ups, and parasite control are also important. They can significantly prolong your miniature dachshund lifespan and help him/her stay longer by your side. Since vaccination schedule depends on the law in your country, we recommend you to ask your vet about it. However, the most common vaccines all dogs should get are:

  • Rabies Vaccine
  • Distemper Vaccine
  • Parvovirus Vaccine
  • Adenovirus (Hepatitis) Vaccine
  • Parainfluenza Vaccine
  • Bordetella Vaccine
  • Leptospirosis Vaccine
  • Lyme Disease Vaccine

Balanced Diet

Providing a balanced diet tailored to your Dachshund’s needs can prevent obesity and other health issues. Consult your vet for dietary recommendations specific to your pet. While some dog owners prefer feeding their mini Doxies with home made meals, others give an advantage to raw diets. It all depends on your dog’s tendency to allergies and your vet should be the only one to recommend the right one for your dog.

Regular Exercise

Regular, moderate exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and promotes overall well-being. Avoid activities that could strain their back.

Safe Environment

Ensure your home is safe for your Mini Dachshund. Avoid allowing your Dachshund to climb stairs or use ramps to prevent back injuries, and keep small objects out of reach to avoid choking hazards. The Anti-Slip Dachshund Stairs are a practical solution to help your pooch climb onto the bed. They provide joint and spine protection and are made from PU foam.

Mental Stimulation

Mental stimulation is as important as physical exercise. Provide toys, puzzles, and training sessions to keep your Dachshund’s mind sharp. That’s how you’ll keep your pooch engaged and also prevent separation anxiety

miniature dachshund lifespan on the sofa

Common Questions About Miniature Dachshund Lifespan

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about the lifespan for miniature dachshund:

What is the Lifespan of a Miniature Dachshund?

The lifespan for miniature dachshund typically ranges from 12 to 16 years. With excellent care, some Dachshunds can live even longer. So, if your mini or rabbit Dachshund crosses these years, you should be happy and enjoy the possibility being by your side. According to statistics, merle Dachshunds live a year or two shorter. This happens because of their tendency to certain health problems such as severe allergies, skin, hearing and vision problems, if 2 merle genes cross.

The difference between a standard and mini Dachshund:

FeatureMiniature DachshundStandard Dachshund
Size5 to 11 pounds16 to 32 pounds
Height5 to 7 inches at the shoulder8 to 9 inches at the shoulder
Lifespan12 to 16 years12 to 14 years
Energy LevelModerate to HighModerate to High
Exercise NeedsRegular, but less intensiveRegular, more intensive
Grooming NeedsLow to Moderate (depends on coat type)Low to Moderate (depends on coat type)
TemperamentLively, playful, and curiousLively, playful, and curious
Common Health IssuesIVDD, obesity, dental issues, eye problemsIVDD, obesity, dental issues, eye problems
Ideal Living SituationApartments, smaller living spacesHomes with yards, larger living spaces
TrainingIntelligent but can be stubbornIntelligent but can be stubborn

Invest in your Doxie’s lifespan

When asking “how long is the lifespan of a miniature dachshund,” it’s important to consider factors like genetics, diet, and healthcare. On average, they live between 12 to 16 years but as we already said, they can live longer than this age. 

My friend had a beloved miniature Dachshund named Lola who lived an impressive 19 years, a testament to the exceptional care she received. Lola’s longevity was largely due to the diligent efforts of my friend, who ensured that Lola was regularly vaccinated to prevent illnesses.

Daily dental hygiene was a priority; my friend brushed Lola’s teeth every day, preventing common dental issues that can affect dogs as they age. Lola was also taken on gentle strolls using a harness, which helped maintain her physical health without putting undue stress on her back. High-quality cosmetics were used to care for her skin and coat, keeping her looking and feeling her best. Lola indeed enjoyed a diet of homemade meals specifically prepared for dogs, providing her with balanced nutrition that supported her overall health. This combination of preventive healthcare, regular exercise, and a nutritious diet contributed significantly to Lola’s long, happy, and healthy life.

Miniature Dachshund Lifespan: Conclusion

Knowing how long miniature dachshunds usually live can really help you take good care of your little buddy. With the right food, regular exercise, routine vet visits, and a safe home, you can make sure your Mini Dachshund has a long, happy, and healthy life. If you keep an eye out for any health problems and take action early, you’ll be able to enjoy many wonderful years with your furry friend.

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